
What is a museum? The definition updated by ICOM in 2022

What is a museum? The definition updated by ICOM in 2022

How would you define a museum? The questions we take for granted are sometimes the most challenging to answer. In this article we will talk about:     The definition by ICOM 2022 What are the main changes introduced The definition by ICOM 2022 Defining what...

Paper bugs

Paper bugs

There are more paper bugs than we think.  Cockroaches, booklice, termites, and many more attack books, documents, and archives. How do you recognize them and how do you get rid of  them?  In this article we will discuss: What type of insects attack paper How to...

The different parts of a book

The different parts of a book

Books are key players in all library and archival collections. However, the structure of a book and the terminology of its parts are frequently not known. Although every book is unique, they all share a similar organisation of the elements, that have their own...

Preservation of a book: bookbindings

Preservation of a book: bookbindings

Bookbindings are an essential part of making books. Their value does not limit to their function for the book structure, but it is enshrined in their high aesthetic quality and documentary significance. In this article we will talk about:  Binding materials...